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 Upcoming Events
The youth who attended the youth gathering in Atlanta will present their experience on Sunday, Aug. 17. Come and learn of their faith journey at 9:00 am.
Sunday school, with a new curriculum, begins Sept. 7 with Rally Day.
"Luther," a sweeping motion picture about the turbulent life and times of Martin Luther, will be released nationwide in U.S. theaters on Sept. 26, 2003. The film stars an international ensemble cast led by Joseph Fiennes ("Shakespeare in Love," "Enemy at the Gates"), Alfred Molina ("Frida," "Chocolat") and two-time Oscar-winner Peter Ustinov ("Spartacus," "Topkapi").
Other New Things
Meet our seminary students doing their field education at Grace. See below for a photo.
A group of people have been meeting to lay the groundwork for a youth ministry at Grace. Check here for updates.
The Sunday school children continue with their efforts with ELCA Stand With Africa campaign by collecting money to purchased cows. Be Moo-ved to Help!
ark.jpg (20361 bytes)Youth paint a new mural in the youth room. (Click for a larger image.)

Grace is hosting three seminarians engaged in their field education: (L-R) Clark Smith, Mary Suomala-Folkerds and Joe Schultz. They are students at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.



The third Sunday of each month is designated as Hunger Sunday. A basket is placed in church for money donations, which are given to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal.
Congregation Council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15 p.m.
Committees meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:15 p.m.
Choirs rehearse on Thursday nights: adult choir at 7:00-8:15 p.m., chime choir at 8:15-9:00 p.m.


Copyright © 2003 
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church