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Grace offers many opportunities 
for you to serve with your faith

Worship leadership
Share your musical talents in our music ministry: choir, chime choir, instrumental accompaniments.
Choirs are an essential part of praising God in worship. Adult choir rehearsals are on Thursdays, 7:00-8:15 p.m.; chime choir rehearses 8:15-9:00 p.m. on the same day.
Ushers, greeters, lectors, assisting ministers are vital parts of our worship experience.

Christian education
Teach Sunday school, lead adult classes with special topics. And of course, join us in the learning; that is one way of serving, too!

Various congregational activities
The various functions within the life of the church are sustained by several committees: worship, fellowship, stewardship, property, education. Be a part of the team!
Committees meet on the first Tuesday of each month.

Reaching out
Grace hosts a PADS site (homeless shelter) on Friday nights from October through May. Several neighboring congregations take turns preparing meals and hosting the guests in their overnight stay. Grace takes this responsibility whenever there is a fifth Friday in a month. Click here to learn more about PADS.
Grace also participates in other special opportunities that reach out to the community: Lutheran World Relief clothing drives, Lombard/Villa Park Walk-In Ministries, a local food pantry, LOVE Christian Clearinghouse, CROP Walk, Villa Park Fourth of July parade, Villa Park Oktoberfest, among others.





In addition to food, the following items are being collected for the Villa Park/Lombard Food Pantry
Toilet paper
Feminine Hygiene
Shaving Cream
Fifty-one bags of groceries were delivered to the food pantry from the Fat Tuesday collection.


Copyright © 2003 
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church