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The World Wide Web is a place where you can make connections--to grow in your faith, to learn about the Bible, to connect to the greater church. These are just some places to which you can can connect:

Grow in your faith
We have a dedicated page for ways you can nurture your faith.

Help others
ELCA World Hunger Appeal
ELCA Disaster Response - find out about t he latest and how you can contribute
Lutheran World Relief
Global Health Ministries - how our church helps with health needs worldwide
Heifer International - gives to a variety of charitable causes
The Hunger Site - just by clicking here you give to hunger

Thinking of seminary?
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Other ELCA seminaries

Or how about a Lutheran College?

Connections for you
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Metropolitan Chicago Synod
Central Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa - companion synod to the Metropolitan Chicago Synod. A group from our synod has traveled there twice to help build Habitat for Humanity home with Project Build
Lutheran churches around the world
Other churches in your community - through

Augsburg Fortress - Publishing house of the ELCA.
Old Lutheran is a site to shop for Old Lutheran items (shirts, caps, mugs, etc.) as well as for lots of other neat and fun things (recipes, games, post cards, etc.)


News about church and society
ELCA News 
The Lutheran magazine
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs
Lutheran Advocacy Network / Illinois
ELCA Division for Church in Society
Disaster News Network (affiliated with Church World Service)
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Copyright © 2003 
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church