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Coming this fall!

Sunday school starts up again on Sunday, Sept. 7. Join us as we follow the Firelight Curriculum. 

This exciting new curriculum teaches age-old stories in brand new formats. The program includes a Bible story, and then explores the story using a number of rotations, such as art, science, games, storytelling, or cooking.

The theme "God Feeds Us" will be the focus this fall. The stories will be: Jesus feeds the 5,000, Jacob and Esau, Manna in the wilderness, Peter and Cornelius, and Elijah and the widow.


3-2-1 B.I.B.L.E. Academy 
(Basic Interplanetary Bible Learning Expedition) was the 2003 Vacation Bible School, which was held
June 23-27.

Children embarked on an intergalactic space journey they would never forget. They joined four wacky Penguins and journeyed through the Bible to discover how to let God change their hearts so that they could be more like Jesus!

Sunday church school, including adult Bible study
Sundays during the school year at 9 a.m. 
Confirmation class; for 7th and 8th graders
Thursdays during the school year at 7 p.m.
Youth group for junior and senior high school age
Second Sunday of each month at 6 p.m.

"So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us; the teacher, teaching." 
(Romans 12:5-7)


Copyright © 2003 
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church