Welcome to Reformation Lutheran Church

A Compassionate Community

6200 Loch Raven Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21239
Phone 410-435-5202
Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Howard Thime


God Fulfills His Promise!


As we prepare for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, please join us to learn more about His Life and Ministry.  

Visit our Calendar page for details.

In addition, please join us each week in the celebration of Christ and discover the joys of Christian fellowship at the following worship services, activities, and programs.  To learn more about Reformation's many worship, education, and fellowship opportunities, as well as its community outreach programs, follow the clicks.

Reformation has been serving the Lord and the community for over a century and we extend a welcome to you as our neighbors, and invite you to experience Christian worship and fellowship with us.

In addition to the above, Reformation has a full calender of events sponsored by the 2000 Confirmation Class and the WELCA.  We welcome you to attend.


If you would like more information about Reformation Lutheran Church and its various programs and opportunities, please call the office at (410) 435-5202.

Worship      Education   

Fellowship    Outreach    Calendar

For more information about our congregation, see the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America site located at elca.org

To learn more about the Maryland-Delaware Synod, see their website at De-MdSynod.org

To learn more about other Lutheran churches worldwide and our host, the TechnoLutherans, see their site located at Luther95.org

Reformation Lutheran Church
6200 Loch Raven Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21239
Phone 410-435-5202